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In Online Banking, a widget is a collection of features. For example, the “Bill Pay” widget contains all of the features and options related to Online Bill Pay, while the “Settings” widget contains all of the features and options related to personalizing your Online Banking experience. There’s also a “Widget Options” widget allows you to customize which widgets appear in the main menu and in what in order. This way you can easily access your most frequently used widgets.

How to Add or Remove Widgets from the Main Menu

  1. Login to your Online Banking profile, and click on “More…” then “Widget Options.”
  2. On the next tab, all of Widgets currently visible in your Online Banking menu will be listed in the first section titled “Active.” The second section, titled “Available,” lists widgets that are not currently active, but that you can enable.

Widgets marked with a yellow star are “Favorites” and will appear on the main menu in Online Banking (or the “Favorites” section on the Mobile App). The remaining “Active” widgets without a star will appear under the “More” menu.

  • To add an “Active” widget to your favorites, simply click on the star next to the widget name. The widget is selected when the star turns yellow. You can have up to five favorites.
  • To remove an “Active” widget from your favorites, unclick the star so it becomes a gray outline.
  • To add an “Available” widget to the active list, click on the “+ Add” icon. The widget will then move to the “Active” list and be visible on the “More” menu. To have it appear on the main menu, mark it as a favorite as described above.
  • To remove an “Active” widget from your Online Banking menu entirely, click on the blue “X” icon to the right of the widget name. This will move the widget to the “Available” list should you decide to add it back later.

How to Change the Order of Your Main Menu Widgets

  1. Login to your Online Banking profile, and click on “More…” then “Widget Options.”
  2. On the next tab, click on the “Reorder Favorites” button located on the upper right.
  3. In the window that expands, click and hold the up/down arrow icon to the right of the widget you want to move as you drag it to the position you want it to appear in the menu.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. To access “Widget” settings from the Mobile App, login, click on “Settings,” then click on “Navigation.” From there, press, hold and drag the widget icons to the left tab bar one at a time to customize the order in which they appear. One thing to note: you won’t be able to move widgets from “Active” to “Available” and vice versa via the Mobile App. You’ll have to sign in through the website to do that.
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