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Saver Certificates

A little patience = nice payoff.

Time is one of life's great ingredients. It makes wine better, people wiser and, as the saying goes, helps heal all sorts of wounds. Time can also pay off for smart investors. If you put money in a Frontwave Share Certificate or Saver Certificate, you'll walk away with significantly more money than you started with. Sounds like a pretty good use of your time.

Share Certificates

  • A minimum of $1,000 is required to open a Certificate Account
  • Flexible terms from six months up to five years
  • Dividend rates exceed those of most regular savings accounts
  • Dividends are paid monthly and may be withdrawn without penalty
  • A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal of your initial investment
  • Option to have your certificate renew automatically at the current dividend rates when your certificate matures

Saver and Military Certificates

  • Open a Saver Certificate Account with a $100 to $500 deposit
  • Flexible terms of 6, 12, 24 or 36 months
  • Dividends are paid monthly and may be withdrawn without penalty
  • A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal of your initial investment
  • Option to contribute up to $500 monthly
Kids Savings Account

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