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Make a Payment

Making your payments has never been easier.

When you want to borrow money, we try to make the process as smooth as possible. We've put the same effort into creating convenient ways for you to pay us back. If you're having a busy day, there are several alternatives that don't involve stewing in traffic on the way to a Frontwave Credit Union branch. One good choice is to set up automatic payments through Online Banking. It only takes a minute or two, and you'll never again worry about missing a payment.

Payment Options

  • Mail your payment: The old-fashioned way works fine for us.
  • Online Banking: Make electronic payments from your Frontwave deposit accounts.
  • Remote Transfers: Use this Online Banking tool to make payments from other financial Institutions.
  • Payroll Deduction: Arrange with your employer's HR department to have payments sent straight to your loan accounts.
  • Shared branching: Visit one of the 5,000-plus U.S. credit unions that serve Frontwave members.

Skip a Pay

  • If your expenses rise or paycheck shrinks, you can skip one of your Frontwave Credit Union loan payments each year.
  • Can be used for auto, RV, motorcycle and personal loans.
  • Must have an open deposit account with Frontwave.
  • Membership must be in good standing.
  • Loan has not been delinquent within the past 12 months.
  • At least 3 consecutive payments on the applicable loan have been made. 
  • Maximum number of “skip-a-pays” varies on loan type.
  • “Skip-a-pays” may not be consecutive months.
  • This payment adjustment may extend the term and the maturity date may be different than that on the initial disclosures.
  • Finance charges will continue to accrue on the unpaid balance and, as a result, more interest may be charged due to this payment change.
  • All borrowers on this loan must meet the eligibility requirements and the request must be submitted at least 5 days prior to loan due date.
  • Your loan must otherwise be in good standing for your to be eligible.

EZ Pay

  • When you're running up against a loan payment deadline, you can use a debit card or credit card to get the money to us quickly.
  • Can be used for auto, home equity and personal loans, Visa® credit card bills, credit lines and overdrawn accounts.
  • Limit of $1,500 per credit card transaction, per loan, per day
  • It only takes a few minutes to make online payments. 
  • Have more questions about EZ Pay? We offer answers to Frequently Asked Questions.
Yes, a $10.00 fee applies to each individual payment.
The only mortgage payment you can make using the EZ Pay service is to your Home Equity. If you need to make a payment on your mortgage, please call 800.736.4500.
You likely did not provide the correct answer or the correct format of the answer. Example if MM/DD/YYYY is required and you entered M-D-YYYY this will create an error because of the number of characters in the month and day. Additionally, dashes are used when slashes are required.
You will need to re-register and choose a new username.
Click on “Problems Logging In” (on the web tool) and follow the steps to reset the password.
This error will result if you provide incorrect responses to the validation questions. After 24 hours you may attempt registration again by providing correct responses. You can call the Frontwave to initiate a payment if required.
If you can log in but cannot make a payment it means you do not have any eligible accounts or you do not have a payment due on a Frontwave loan.
The EZ Pay system only accepts Visa, Mastercard, and Discovery cards for payments.
Frontwave does not see any comments added in the payment area. The comments are for your personal use and are not visible to anyone else.
Registration is only accepted on the primary user on the account (no joint members at this time).
Once you receive the tracking number the payment cannot be reversed or cancelled.