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When you login to Online Banking, you will see a list of your accounts and account balances displayed on the dashboard. For those who want more detail, the Accounts tab allows you to view and search for transactions, view copies of cashed checks, view your account number(s) and more. If you're using the Mobile App, you'll automatically be directed to the Accounts tab when you login and can tap on any account listed for more details.

How to View Recent Transactions

  1. Login to your digital banking profile, and click on the “Accounts” tab.
  2. On the next screen, select the account you wish to review.
  3. On the right side of the screen you’ll see a list of recent transactions for the account you selected in step 2.
  4. To see more information, click on a transaction to expand the details.

How to Search for a Transaction

In Online Banking:

  1. Login to your Online Banking profile, and click on the “Accounts” tab.
  2. On the next screen, select the account you wish to review.
  3. On the “Transactions” tab (the default view) for the account selected, you’ll see a search bar above a list of recent transactions. You can enter a keyword to search by (such as a store name) here.
    Another option is to click on the funnel icon next to the search box to search for transactions based on:
    • Date Range
    • Category
    • Transaction Amount (or Range)
    • Transaction Type
    • Credit or Debit
    • Check Number (or Range)
  4. To see more information about any transaction listed in your search results, click on the transaction to expand the details view.

In Mobile Banking:

  1. Login to the Frontwave Mobile App, and tap on the account you wish to review.
  2. From the list of recent transactions, pull down to reveal the search bar (on iOS devices) or tap on the magnifying glass icon in the upper right hand corner (on Android devices).
  3. In the search bar, enter a vendor name, transaction amount or transaction date. To limit your results further, you can click on the funnel icon and choose from deposits, withdrawals or checks.
  4. To see more information about any transaction listed in your search results, tap on the transaction to expand the details view.

How to View Your Account Number

  1. Login to your Digital Banking profile, and click on the “Accounts” tab.
  2. Select the account you want to see the number for, then click on the “Account Details” tab. Your account number is the number listed at the top. If you’re viewing a checking account, you’ll also see the MICR account number listed at the bottom. This is the number you should use when you’re ordering checks.

How to View a Cashed Check

  1. Login to your Digital Banking profile, and click on the “Accounts” tab.
  2. Select the account the check was drafted from.
  3. On the “Transactions” tab, scroll down to find the check you’re looking for. Or use the search function to locate it (see above).
  4. When you find the correct check, click on the transaction to expand the details view. The check number and image will be visible in this detailed view.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can call our Member Solution Center or send us a secure message within Online Banking. To send a message or submit a dispute related to a fraudulent transaction, click on the transaction you have a question about to expand the details. Then click on the “Help” button in the top/right corner of the transaction details information box, then click on the option that best fits your need to either inquire about, or dispute, the transaction. This will allow you to send a Secure Message or fill out a transaction dispute form. For more information on how to submit a dispute, click here.
Your interest rate and loan payoff amount will be listed under the “Account Details” tab. This is the tab next to the default “Transactions” view, and the same place where you’ll find your account number (see step-by-step instructions above). You can also easily make a payment from this tab by clicking the “Pay Now” button at the top of the screen.
Yes, you can change your account nickname through “Accounts” tab. Select the account you want to update, then click on the pencil icon that appears next to the account name. On the next screen, type in the nickname you want to use for the account (up to 25 characters) and click “Save.”
Yes, you can change the color(s) assigned to your account(s) through the “Accounts" tab. Select the account you want to update, then click on the pencil icon that appears next to the account name. On the next screen, choose your desired color from the “Account Color” drop-down list, then click “Save.”

Login to Online Banking (you can’t print from the Mobile App), and navigate to the list of transactions you wish to print. Click on the printer icon just below the search bar at the top. This will generate a printer friendly view of the 100 most recent transactions in your list. If you need to print more than 100 transactions, export the list first, then print it. To export a list, click on the export icon (to the right of the printer icon) and select the type of file you want to export to: CSV (Excel), OFX (Microsoft Money), QFX (Quicken), or QBO (Quickbooks) format.

Yes, you can add a memo to any transaction and/or assign it a category. To add a memo, click on the transaction, then click on the pencil icon that appears in the lower right corner of the details box. This will open a window where you can type in a memo and/or choose a category for the expense (such as “Food & Dining” or “Gifts & Donations”).
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